FMEAplus Akademie GmbH 
Bahnhofstraße 10
D-89073 Ulm
Phone.:   +49 731 7169 9658
Email:  info(at)

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Inquiry for the FMEA seminars / workshops


As a private participant, please enter "private" in the company field.
Information on the topic
 APIS IQ RM Bases. (CCSW-B1D-I1)
 APIS IQ RM basic seminar 2 days (STSA-B1D-P2)
 APIS IQ RM deepening 1 day (STSA-A1D-P1)
 APIS IQ RM Expert Workshop individual (CCSW-E1D-I1)
 APIS IQ RM user coaching (CCSC-A1D-I1)
 BABTEC FMEA Software Basics 1 day (STSB-B1D-P1)
 BABTEC Software deepening 1 day (STSB-A1D-P1)
 Certification course FMEA-User (ZLFL-U1D-P5)
 certified communication trainer (ZLKL-K1D-P15)
 certified FMEA moderator (ZLFL-M1D-P2)
 certified FMEA moderator Exam day (ZLFL-M1D-P1)
 Change process concept (CCKW-A1D-I1)
 Communication under difficult conditions (STKT-A3D-P1)
 Communication, moderation, presentation (STKT-B1D-P1)
 Conflict resolution 1 day (STKT-A1D-P1)
 Conflict resolution 2 days (STKT-A1D-P2)
 Customer orientation Korea and Japan 1 day (STKT-A2D-P1)
 Design-FMEA Methodology Basic Training 2 days (STFT-B1D-P2)
 DRBFM-Methode Workshop (CCFW-B1D-P1)
 European FMEA Congress 2023 (STPC-E1D-P2)
 Expertenrunde (STPU-M1D-W)
 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Basic and Practice and Isograph FaultTreeplus 3 days (STTT-B2D-P3)
 Fault tree analysis (FTA) Isograph FaultTree+ 1d *Basic Per person (STTT-B2D-P1)
 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) Isograph FaultTree+ 2d Basics (STTT-B2D-P2)
 Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) user consulting (CCTB-E2D-I1)
 Fault tree analysis - fundamentals and practice (STTT-B1D-P2)
 Finding a solution for 8D und Global 8D Awareness (ST8T-B1D-P1)
 FMEA AIAG-VDA Update Seminar (STFT-A2D-P1)
 FMEA Auditor certification - in planning phase (ZLFL-A1D-P1)
 FMEA Awareness Hilti 3h (STFT-B1D-I05)
 FMEA coaching in a practice environment (CCFC-A2D-P1)
 FMEA coaching in real environment (CCFC-A3D-I2)
 FMEA Method deepening 1 day (STFT-A1D-P1)
 FMEA Methodology Basic Training 1 day (STFT-B1D-P1)
 FMEA Methodology Basic Training 3 days (STFT-B1D-P3)
 FMEA Moderation Expert 1 d (CCFM-E1D-I1)
 FMEA Moderation Expert 1h (CCFM-E1D-I01)
 FMEA Moderator seminar 3 days (STPT-A1D-P3)
 FMEA Moderator training complete (STPT-A2D-P18)
 FMEA Senior Expert Certification - in planning phase (ZLFL-E1D-P1)
 FMEA strategy for decision-makers (CCFB-B1D-I1)
 FMEA UserDays 2 days (STPU-A1D-P2)
 FMEA video coaching - 2 days (CCFC-A5D-I1)
 FMEA-Moderation - 1 day (CCFM-A1D-I1)
 FTA creation for a specific project (CCTB-E3D-I1)
 Hazard and risk analysis based training across all sectors. (STTT-B5D-P1)
 Individual FMEA coaching - 1 day (CCFC-A1D-I1)
 Introduction of fault tree analysis (FTA) in the company (CCTB-E4D-I1)
 Introduction Risk management for medical devices EN ISO 14971:2019 (STTT-B6D-P1)
 IQS FMEA-Software Basics 1 day (STSI-B1D-P1)
 Kommunikation unter schwierigen Bedingungen (STKT-A4D-P2)
 Lecture series Online (STPU-A1D-W)
 Moderation and meeting techniques 1 day (STKT-B2D-P1)
 Moderation and meeting techniques 2 day (STKT-B2D-P2)
 Moderation for problem solving (8D) (CC8M-A1D-I1)
 Participation at professional moderations (CCFC-A4D-P1)
 PLATO e1ns Basic-Seminar 2 days (STSP-B1D-P2)
 PLATO e1ns basic-workshop 1 day (CCSW-B2D-I1)
 Plato e1ns Software deepening 1 day (STSP-A1D-P1)
 Problem solving according to 8D and Global 8D (ST8T-B1D-P3)
 Process-FMEA Methodology Basic Training 2 days (STFT-B2D-P2)
 Risk management for medical devices EN ISO 14971-2019 (STTT-B6D-P2)
 Safety Office Basic Seminar 2 days (STSS-B1D-P2)
 Safety Office Workshop 1 day (CCSW-B3D-I1)
 Special characteristics workshop (CCTW-A1D-I1)
 Special Features Training (STTT-B4D-P1)
 Special workshop individual (CCPW-E1D-I1)
 Support FMEA method description (CCFB-A1D-I1)
 Support FMEA software selection (CCSB-B1D-I1)
 Support with generic FMEA (CCFB-A2D-I1)
 Workshop presenters in FMEA and risk management 2 days (CCFW-A1D-I2)