FMEAplus Akademie GmbH 
Bahnhofstraße 10
D-89073 Ulm
Phone.:   +49 731 7169 9658
Email:  info(at)

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Special topics

Hazard and risk analysis based training across all sectors.

Intersectoral and detailed insight into the Principles and Methods for hazard and risk analysis.

Introduction Risk management for medical devices EN ISO 14971:2019

Introduction to the topic of risk management for medical devices

Risk management for medical devices EN ISO 14971-2019

Application of risk management for medical devices (EN ISO 14971:2019)

Special Features Training

Special features identify consistent coverage.

Accompanying Methods -Seminars

Here you will find the proven accompanying methods seminar concept of the FMEAplus Academy.

We teach the FMEA method according to the state of the art and the state of science 2020.

Of course, your learning depends on your level of knowledge, your organization, your talent and the training you have chosen.

All training courses are offered either as "free trainings" or as in-house trainings (please inquire directly).

Choose your individual training needs here. Of course, you can always contact us. We are happy to help.