Fault tree analysis - fundamentals and practice
Fundamentals of probability Combinatory and system modeling of fault tree analysis (FTA). In addition: display options workshop in the practice. (STTT-B1D-W4)
Short description
Fault tree analysis (FTA) in theory and practice!
-Probability logic
-System state modeling
-Proof of safety
Training days:
Target: After the training, participants are able to create or reviewed regarding technical correctness a FTA itself.
The required parameters for a mathematically correct probability determination have been learned.
Evaluation can be applied independently or be checked for plausibility.
Participants receive comprehensive knowledge of the probabilistic analysis system.
For use in practice, reference will be provided with the training materials.
Certificate of attendance: FTA two days basic training.
Description: Fault tree analysis - also faulty tree analysis, en. a fault tree analysis event (hazards) is established for the determination of the cause in many industries potentially security-critical.
It is suitable to systematically identify combinations of events one or multiplehazards with regard to their influence on the possible occurrence.
This is graphically effective chain of complex relationships in the logical structure. The application of FTA method requires in-depth knowledge of probability, reliability theory and logical modelling of effects chains in technical systems.
The seminar provides a compact introduction on the basis of practical examples and exercises for these three basic elements of the fault tree analysis.
Evaluations in the form of common cause analysis, minimum cutting analysis and importance metrics are discussed.
Further possible linkages and combinations of the FTA with other analysis methods and activities as part of a safety-oriented development are explained.
Target groups: The methods training are aimed at (aspiring or active) systems analysts, safety engineers, safety managers and quality engineers.
Prior knowledge: Provided are mathematical knowledge of an engineering study or comparable training. The basics of probability theory should be known. What is needed is an understanding of the usual representations of electronic systems such as hardware block diagrams and / or software descriptions. Relevant knowledge predispose favorable for FMEA methodology or another experience a systemic analysis. Prior knowledge of the fault tree analysis is not required.
Note: Please review our Terms and Conditions.
Number of participants: 3 to 6 Persons
Services: Alle Teilnehmer erhalten: Handout (bei Inhouse Kosten zzgl.) und Teilnahmebescheinigung.
Price per person:
€ 1.480,00
Price inhouse: € 4.900,00
Price inhouse: € 4.900,00
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