FMEAplus Akademie GmbH 
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D-89073 Ulm
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FMEA Moderation Expert 1 d

Moderation in the FMEA team for the preparation of an FMEA by Expert (CCFM-E1D-I1)

Short description
Training days: 1 Day
Prior knowledge: Methods Basic training at least one day and/or practical experience with several FMEA compilations.
Note: For a proper execution the number of participants should be limited to about 8 persons. For in-house training courses, costs for travel, accommodation, expenses and training material are incurred in addition to the daily training rates.
Number of participants: 0 to 8 Persons
Services: The content topics are agreed in advance. The data and documents required for effective moderation are provided by the participants at the moderation date.
Price per person: € 0,00
Price inhouse: € 1.700,00
31. 01. - 06. 02. 2025 Rastatt Register